Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spare Doves

Spare Doves
He woke,
as a guest,
in the basement.
down there,
anytime of day.

Spooked at first,
by a coot?
No, a coo,
Yes, a coo for sure.

Unfamiliar, so
it seemed ok,
the coo,
in the gloom
of the cellar.

You never know,
in any room,
what you’d hear
in the house
of a traveling magician.

Cool below
the ground
a tomb,
of sorts.
He lay in the bag
for sleeping.
A guest,
in the house
of the traveling

Fair sleep
he’d found
on the floor,
in that bag
near the gags,
and the coos.

He strained
to hear,
a hint
of a rustle,
while in his head,
rerunning the performance,
of his friend,
the magician.

White wings,
pink eyes,
the encore
was near,
by the hat,
the cane,
and the cage
where they’re kept.

by deserted
jokes, he has seen
the saw,
and a painted box,
for cutting women
in half.

Bizarre and wonderful,
those coos he heard,
this morning,
in the basement.
Spare doves,
down there,
the guest
of the traveling magician.

 gjh 10

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