Crazy True
I punched the air, angry at myself again. My teeth ached from biting each other and I wondered when my war would end. We walked into a different room, my legs and arms and I, swirling thoughts followed us and met my mind as we gathered steam for another brawl.
If this was going crazy, then I knew enough to know I had a little gas left in the tank. Every where I was, they were there too. They knew what I thought and wanted me for it. The truth was what I knew, the fraud was their fire now out of control. I’d trampled the fences a long time ago, because I knew the pasture was all part of the prison, they allowed me to roam until I stepped on the fence.
Now, I can head for the hills, because all the phones are down. News on the streets, is where truth grows like weeds. So I hold on to now because now’s all I have, it’s the green on the grass, and the air in my lungs, the truth is the blood that blasts in my ears. The tic of the clock what’s real like the sun, and the oceans on earth. Don’t believe what they tell you, you believe in you, you’re not going crazy, you just know the truth, The wizard’s behind the curtain, and his time is running out.
Hayward 09
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