Thursday, June 21, 2012


It occurred to me this morning as I
skimmed stray grind from the top of my coffee.
Today, and all others that follow,
will be different.
The politicians are gone, they've stabbed one another in the back.
The roaches in the banks have scattered.
Misplaced defaulters combed their hiding places
and turned over dirty desks,
millions of worthless dollars floated on precious air,
and now truth bristles above all their waste.
We finally understood, they, like dishonest squirrels,
kept lies in their cheeks.
Congress, nothing but a warehouse of bi-partisan lovers,
drones of the corporate lush.
But one bright day, under blinding honest light,
they pointed fingers at one another,
and ran down the halls.
Outside, the circus was in new hands,
and the clowns couldn't wash it off.
The sun seems to shine every day,
and we build wonderful human creations,
all is free from their worthless blather.
Oz was nothing once the curtain fell.
We forgot for a long while,
that we financed the show,
and all it took was a fresh coat of fire,
to bring the theater down.
But I arrest myself during this first taste of the coffee's roast,
back to the reality of this morning,
I bask in the glow, and heat of what will be.
gjh 09

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